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What is a hero

What is a hero

Is it the way they rush into danger

Is it their power to overcome odds

Is it the principles they live by

Are heroes free of judgment?

There acts blind and amaze others

Their eyes, their physique, their words

Their greatness attracts all

Do heroes need saving?

When their foes challenge everything they cherish

How far is that line drawn and how far can you push

How long will you follow your ideals until they take hold of you

Fight for a cause or become personified

Can heroes be villains?

If they live long enough

Does helping others by default has its perks or does it strain on your psyche

If I save the world from danger what's to prevent it from happening

God helps those who help themselves

I'm just a blessed person but to others, I'm their savior

Can everyone be saved?

The moment I let one soul perish is the moment I make exceptions


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