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Pheonix - Who will be part of your experience?

A little spark hatchling gasping for air

It searches for a source of power a caretaker to help raise it

To call home I must build a nest

As I grow each day my feathers shine

Soaring as it embraces freedom; a feeling that feels better and better each day

My feathers engulf in flames; consuming whatever it touches

Through my journey, I felt joy, I felt sorrow

I felt luscious I felt hollow

I watched as my companion move forward and the fire within me spread within others Life has many wonders

Undiscovered and unanswered; do they perk your interest or leave you in oblivion Times you love me yet you betray me

The next time we cross paths are fated may be different

My feathers no longer shine

The fire in me begins to dim

My last breath has a chill in it

But soon I shall return. Though my stature may change my memories stay the same My purpose before was to discover the intangible

My goal now is to share the experience


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